As you probably know, I could easily take to the mic and talk continuously for two, three, even five hours if need be. But today is going to be a little bit different.
Today I'll let the music do the talking for me. This won't be just a music show, but a show of music with a message. For those of you who understand radio, you'll appreciate my value as a producer once you take in the totality of the show now being planned.
People often say I'm arrogant or conceited, but like the Malcolm X quote tweeted earlier, "when you know you're right, your right!"
I sometimes just stand tall on what I believe. A tough concept for others to get sometimes. Especially in a world filled with people who don't know what it is they really believe.
When you're a person filled with conviction and confidence, it's easy for this to be misunderstood, then you find yourself simply labeled as full of himself.
Well I'm gonna go out on a limb at the risk of being labeled again. As I continue to produce today's upcoming show, I honestly believe this one, will be one for the ages.
Not that I expect to be gone anytime soon, but if it turns out even a 10th as good as I hope it will, should it be my last show, I think I'd be mighty pleased.
With hard work, lots of prayers, and faith in God. I fully expect to be around a mighty long time. Producing awesome work, and quality programming.
We'll see.
Fide Et Opera!
A.F. James MacArthur Ph.A.L.
SoundStream Mobile Broadcast Solutions
MacArthur Media
Managing Editor
Baltimore Spectator Radio Network (BSRN)
P.S. At some point last night during the 10 o'clock hour, BSRN hit the 10,000 listens mark. I have each of you to thank you for this. Let's take it to 100,000! Tell your friends about us.
P.P.S. BSRN, is dedicated to free speech and delivering "Truth To The Masses." We will never sell out, but like any other not-for-profit-venture, we need your financial support. Consider helping us with any amount, nothing is too small. Small business sponsors are also sought. Email MacArthurMedia@gmail.com MacArthurMedia@gmail.com if you see the vision and want a ticket to ride this train. It really is all about the power of love.