In a rare and compelling piece of candid radio, A.F. James MacArthur revealed to his audience, the fact that there was a warrant issued for his arrest.
Though the exact nature and charges behind the warrant were never clarified, MacArthur elaborated on past instances of being held in custody for as long as 40 days, without any formal charges, and having no warrant issued.
In a rambling radio broadcast lasting several hours, MacArthur meandered through various experiences of his decade of living in Baltimore.
From telling the story of being face to face with a hit-man who knocked on the wrong door, before murdering his neighbors next door and his being the only eye witness and able to identify the killer. To MacArthur also repeatedly bemoaned his impassioned, constant pleas for help from various entities in media and the ACLU. He admitted, they've all been utterly in vain.
Isolated And Alone

Despite coming right out and stating the existence of a warrant. Even after detailing an incident that could have been an attempted abduction by rogue members of Baltimore Police Department, MacArthur still received reactions of doubt of his authenticity or sincerity on social media site Twitter.
The impassioned plea for help and attention did not appear to fall totally on deaf ears. Dozens of retweets and designated "favorites" of statements issued by MacArthur, could be seen taking place from friends online in different states across the country.
@baltospectator Stay strong man. God has got his hands on your shoulder the whole way.
— Prakash Samuel (@krash_s13) November 29, 2012
Shut out to the big homie headed for central bookings on a technicality @baltospectator
— Daniel Barahona (@GlobalSETT) November 29, 2012
When contacted, MacArthur stated his reason for performing such an unusual broadcast was motivated in part, to get more transparency and force Baltimore Police and others in the criminal justice system to be on their best behavior.
Twitter reaction included several statements of concerns from active members of the Baltimore Police Department.
@baltospectator Are you ok?
— Jeremy Silbert (@JeremySilbert) November 29, 2012
Unarmed, Not Dangerous

At this point, MacArthur's exact whereabouts and precise intentions are unclear. During the broadcast on his Baltimore Spectator Radio Network (BSRN), MacArthur said his financial resources were completely cut off. Bank accounts frozen, and PayPal disabled. No mention was made of just how MacArthur was surviving or getting by.

Vague reference was also made to a myriad of electronic wizardry being deployed, enabling MacArthur the ability to broadcast an internet radio program on BSRN, from anywhere in the world and remain undetected.
Demonstration had previously been made, of how location tracking capacity on computers and cellphones were spoofed, to throw of potential pursuers and develop a false trail.
When asked what it would take for MacArthur to turn himself in on the outstanding warrant, MacArthur said; "I want to ensure there's no funny business. I've tangled with these people in the past. They've trampled all over my civil rights before, violated the sanctity of my rights as an American citizen. Quite frankly, I just don't trust them."
MacArthur continued by adding "I need to have assurances that I will be treated fairly and justly. Ordinarily I would have went to the media seeking assistance but I've tried that in the past, and you see what happened.... I was left to rot away in a tiny solitary confinement cell, allowed out for half an hour, once every 24 hours. No one really gave a damn."
Currently busy at work building an all day news, talk and information radio network, all while managing to elude evil people out for his neck, A.F. James MacArthur has become the established leader in on-scene, feet-on-the-street, Baltimore crime and emergency incident reporting. Baltimore's premier independent crime correspondent and street reporter, is a multimedia journalist who also covers urban decay and public corruption. He may be reached at 410-205-NEWS (6397) voice or text message,, and followed on numerous social media, including: @BaltoSpectator on twitter , Spreaker web radio, BlogTalk Radio, Baltimore Spectator on Facebook,YouTube channel
Nokia · 509 weeks ago