11 October 2012

NEWSLETTER: - MacArthur's Meanderings 10/11/2012

UPDATE: A shooting took place while this piece was being edited. Was able to respond to scene and record a live update. This ads an exclamation point to everything said below!

The rules of the game in mass communications are rapidly changing. No more is broadcast limited to big money corporations and high tech studios. Now anyone with something to say can be heard instantly, uncensored, without interruption, by people around the world. I really believe this is bigger than you know.

Getting quick, accurate, on the spot information out to the public is the type of activity that can be a game changer in dealing with corrupt, tyrannical, secretive oppressive governments.

Examples of waste and fraud can more easily be exposed. Incidents of brutality and excessive force instantly entered as evidence into the court of public opinion. Spin and misinformation put out by officials can readily be countered. In this information age, knowledge truly is power, and now it be easily spread, empowering the people.

Late last night I performed a half hour broadcast using Spreaker web radio. The format was a free flowing stream of thought. I enjoyed the opportunity to be able to openly talk to many of my readers and followers on the internet, without any restrictions. And if you listened I hope you enjoyed it too.

For some time now I've been testing and experimenting with various platforms to allow a more direct connection between you and I. By every measure the Spreaker broadcast was a success. With crystal clear audio for listeners and easy to use controls on my end, it is definitely a tool I'll be using much more in the future.

I hope you've been enjoying my gradual return to the local media scene. As I slowly build momentum, your continued support, prayers and words of encouragement are appreciated more than you know. One thing I'm certain of is at the end of the day, we'd all like to see a better Baltimore. This continues to be one of my main motivations why I work hard doing what I do.

Truth To The Masses!

A.F. James MacArthur
Managing Editor

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Listen to me on Spreaker web radio