16 July 2009

Editors Picks -- Wild And Curious Stories

A collection of curious stories from around the world we feel may be of particular interest to readers of The Baltimore Spectator, hand picked by the editors.

Crime Prevention: Want To Keep Your Wallet, Carry A Baby Picture A British study found, when faced with the photograph of a baby in a found wallet, people were far more likely to send the wallet back.“If you want to increase the chances of your wallet being returned if lost, obtain a photograph of the cutest baby you can find, and ensure that it is prominently displayed.”

Down Economy: Bank Robber Blames Bad Economy As Motive, “I'm only doing this to eat. They're not letting me work."

Legalized Prostitution: German Brothel Ordered Shut Down For Offering Unlimited Sex, With Unlimited Women For A Flat Rate In most of Europe, prostitution is legal, but one whore house may have ruffled some feathers by doing what some in the government considers to be taking it too far. The ‘Pussy Club’ caused a stir in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg with its promise of €70 for "as many women and as much sex as you want”