20 February 2009

UPDATED: Largest Cocaine Bust In Baltimore -- Video Fixed

  • 91 pounds seized
  • Three million dollar street value
LIVE VIDEO STREAM from Baltimore City Police Headquarters press conference

Also see;

Record Cocaine Bust Remains Shrouded In Mystery

Cocaine Bust, 14 Pounds Seized At Airport

Fear & Loathing In Baltimore: Drug Overdose Deaths Down

1 comment:

  1. WHO was arrested dammit? I'm afraid the police failure or refusal to reveal is due to the beginnings of a cover-up, pay-off, or some other corrupt reason why Baltimore has remained drug trade city for the past 30 years where only street level dealer/addicts are ever arrested or prosecuted while the big boys that make ALL the real money remain free, rich, and profitable....oh, yeah, and WHITE!


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