20 November 2015

If All Muslims Are Terrorists, What About Christians? #MacArthursMusings

By A. F. James MacArthur Ph.A.L.

"Rather leave the crime of the guilty unpunished than condemn the innocent." 

~ Cicero  

This week a public hearing regarding the construction of a new mosque in Virginia was disrupted by audience members who got up shouting, declaring "all Muslims are terrorists."

If these were just the incoherent ramblings of some lone extremists, it would be frightening enough. But what's truly alarming is how many Americans genuinely feel this way. Many being simply too afraid to say so. In public.

It's as if there has never been acts of destruction and mass bloodshed brought about by Christians, the religion claimed by a majority of Americans.

The ongoing irrational, over generalized fear of Muslims of Middle Eastern decent would almost be amusing if it wasn't so disturbing. We're literally turning planes around and forcefully removing passengers, because "Middle Eastern looking" people have the audacity to do something like watch a news broadcast on their smartphone, and to many irrational petrified Americans, this appears like suspicious behavior.

See something? Say something.

Terrorizing The Globe

Fact: Christianity began in what is now called the "Middle East." But it wasn't "radicalized" until it got to Europe. Think the Crusades, etc.

The truth is, white European Christians, practicing and none practicing have gone to every continent and invaded countries, began wars, enslaved and oppressed indigenous peoples, and taken their land for themselves. No other group has done this on a more grand scale or for longer cumulative time periods.

Throughout history, and even in our times with groups like the Ku Klux Klan (domestic terrorists permitted and tolerated by U.S. governments) all sorts of evil and hatred has been perpetrated by those claiming Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

What then, do we blame and stigmatize the entire Christian world for the immense bloodshed and misery caused by those practicing their religion? It's what's being done to Muslims.

Taking the actions of some as license to discriminate against all is just looking for an excuse to justify internalized fear which manifests itself as hate.

Didn't Jesus say the greatest commandment was love?
Hating in the name of the Lord