18 March 2012

Phony Kony 2012 - The Truth Of A Mass Propaganda Hoax


One of the grandest pieces of propaganda ever to be perpetrated on the world is quickly unraveling and being exposed for the scam it is. This space will be continually updated with videos and stories on the phony of KONY 2012.

It saddens me how many well meaning people were manipulated and had their emotions violated by a slick productiono filled with half truths, misinformation, and outdated data, skillfully manipulated to appear current and relevant.

In the last few days I have been involved in serious, in depth, insightful  research discussion regarding the whole KONY 2012 phenomena with a number of students. We've made great discoveries. I now feel it's time to share this with the world.

I have much more to say on this in the coming days and weeks. There's much more to this elaborate and disturbing sham than meets the eye.

The Prime Minister Of Uganda Would Like Your Attention

The People Of Uganda Are Highly Offended And PISSED OFF By Phony KONY 2012 Viral Video