23 March 2009

Baltimore Violence, The Family Impact

ANOTHER Baltimore Shooting -- Behind The Scenes Look from MacArthur Media.

**SPECIAL NOTE** Video contains highly emotional, potentially disturbing sound and visuals. The crying heard in the video actually took place continuously for many hours. It being continuously heard in this short clip is by no means exaggeration. Chilling and disturbing yes. A glimpse of reality in Baltimore, for sure! I have been in touch with the family of Martie Williams Jr., even prior to the event. The production and release of this video was done with the full knowledge and support of his family.

With apologies to the family, the name Martie was misspelled in our haste to finish production and release the video to help get the story out, per your wishes. Your cooperation and accessibility has been truly appreciated and I too grieve along with you. This loss, like any loss of human life is a tragedy. -- A.F. James MacArthur, Executive Producer

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