19 February 2009

Drunken Teen Killed Trucker, Gets Away With It

$470 in fines with no jail penalty hardly seems like justice to the family of John Short, the 57 year old truck driver, killed by 19 year old Candy Baldwin. You may remember, Short's truck plunged off the side of the Bay Bridge after Ms. Baldwin drifted across lanes heading straight for him and certain death. He sacrifed his life to avoid her, plunging over the side rather than crashing into young Ms. Candy Baldwin. Way to go Frank Kratovil!


  1. Editor,
    I realize you are just looking for an issue to bash Frank Kratovil, but you need to find a more legitimate one.
    Kratovil, as States Attorney, had nothing to do with the young ladies punishment.
    She was not legally drunk, by Maryland State law, therefore, he was not legally able to bring charges against her.
    If he had, you would be bashing him for prosecuting an act that was not against the law.
    You might want to get your facts straight the next time, or face loosing any journalistic respect you now have.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In Maryland, the legal drinking age is 21, a 19 year old should not have any alcohol in their blood. Driving or not.

    Why wasn't she prosecuted Mr. Kratovil?

    Is underage drinking now legal? Anyone prosecuted for it should now protest based on your derelict of duty.


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